Friday 11 October 2019

Time to reflect

"We have to think that those who hold opinions contrary to ours are not necessarily barbaric..."

     Hello everybody and welcome to my blog. Today i come to something a little different. Many people care about what others will say, but how many care about what they think?...i think that all of us must have our opinion on certain topics, not for the rest, for ourselves. In this case i will give you my opinion on four specific topics.

1)Adoption...Everyone deserves a family

  I am not an expert of the topic and nothing like that, but i know and heard that the system for adoption is a little bad. I think that everyone deserves a family, all of us need someone to love us, that care about of us and help in our life...i know that exist persons that for any reasons ,that i won't refer in this post , they can not raise their children and decide to leave them... an option for me is that they can to get an option of a new life with persons prepared to adopt a child, but, it's true that it is uncertain know if they will be a good parents, or mothers or fathers, because i think that the marital status must not be a transcendental requirement to admit an adoption faster, but neither is it known with blood parents. 

2)Chilean education...The main education come from home

    Ok,in this case i don't want to talk about the state-system, because i think that the first education that we receive is in our house with our family. Currently, parents think that if they give everything the child wants, they are good parents, but it is quite the opposite, that is a great harm to the child, the only thing they win with it is spoil the child and teach they that it's very easy to get things in the life. In now days, it's easier give their son or daughter some money or leave them on the computer or cell phone so they don't bother them....please parents, spend time with their sons, talk with them, play, go for a walk with them.....i'm 18 and even today, i remembered all of that evenings that i spent with my parents and my sister, and i didn't changes for nothing. 

3)Recycling...For better world

 Recycling is our responsibility, especially in now day. I think that all of us need understand that it's important to learn recycling, it's life or death...Let's think about all the things we can reuse or recycle, we could help the environment radically ... which is very necessary. I think that we need more recycling dumps in our city, we need teach to the children, teenagers and adults that it is our duty to get involved with this lifestyle and transfer it to the next generations.

4)Having pets at home...(ironic)

    Jsjs, it is funny, but i never have have a pet in my house...or in my life, so i don't know much of this topic, but i see persons that have pets in their houses and i can say that i know the opposite cases, for one hand, people that have for example, a dog and a cat in their house and love y care about them, and for other hand people that have six dog, three cats, five bird, four squirrels, one ferret, a horse and a whale in a little department and don't care about them...i only say that it is good have pets in house, but please thinking in they too, they have feelings and deserve a decent home. 

"We have to think that those who hold opinions contrary to ours are not necessarily barbaric. Many know how to use reason as well as we do ... and even better."

Rene Descartes

See you later.

Friday 4 October 2019


                                                                                               "Never consider study as an obligation,..."

    Hello everybody and welcome to my blog. It is Friday and i am very tired, so this post won't be one of my best work, i am sorry (having said that), today i want to tell you about postgraduate. Many people after finishing their career, decide to do a postgraduate, find work or both, well if you have read others of my blogs, you know that i want to do a postgraduate because i would like to continue studying and because i know that could help me in my future working life (as an extra preparation).

Well, i would like one day to do a postgraduate in toxicology and marketing (both would help me in what i want to do after finishing my career). I don't know where i want to do that (the country or the university), the future is uncertain. I would like (in this moment of my life) do the postgraduate in Chile, but who know, in six years more, when i finishing my career, i may have changed my mind and want to do in, i don't know, Europe or in the United States. Although if  the opportunity arises to do a course abroad (currently), i think i would accept it.

 You might laugh at me, but if i don't have certain where i want to do my postgraduate, also, i don't know what kind of course i want in the future, but i can say, today, that i prefer part-time course, because this would have leave me more time for me or to work at same time, and as i said in my previous post, i like to publish a book and that kind of courses help me for my plans..

"Never consider study as an obligation, but as an opportunity to penetrate the beautiful and wonderful world of knowledge."
Albert Einstein

See you later.

Friday 27 September 2019

My future job

                             " The future depends on..."

Hello everybody and welcome to my blog. After our great vacations, i come back with a topic about the future.
All of us have ever asked ourselves about our future, how it will?, will i be happy?, will it be how i want or not?, well, in this moment of my life i think that this questions are very important, because it means that i'm becoming aware about my life, and the things that it involves.

      If you have read others of my blogs, you know that i want to work in a forensic laboratory, i don't know if in the PDI or in the forensic medical service, but I imagine analyzing samples, tracking chemical fingerprint on things, investigating, etc. So I think my work will be more indoors, but it won't be similar to office work, because they're very different things.

Obviously, i want to have a good salary, because i have studied and worked hard for years. I would also like my work to allow me to travel a lot around the world, i want to know Greece, Italy, Paris, London, Prague, Mexico and all the cities of my favorite books.

  I would love one day to do a postgraduate in toxicology and marketing, because the first one would help me in what I want to do, and the second one would help me to get to another workplace, like plan B. I would also like to continue studying, because as I said, I want to know more, and who knows, someday I can study another career, for example, engineering, astronomy or maybe publish a book someday, the future is uncertain, and that is what makes it wonderful.

" The future depends on what we do in the present"
Mahatma Gandhi.

See you later.

Friday 13 September 2019


"The family provides some values ​​that remain for your whole life..."

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. Well, maybe some of you know that I love reading, I repeat this in many blogs, but in this case I will not talk about this. It's funny that when they give you a topic to write, you don't find the right words, and when the topic is free, you don't know what to say.

On this occasion, I want to talk about one of my family's traditions. Every Friday my parents, my sister and I have a "movie afternoon", around nine o'clock at night. This "movie afternoon" consists of making a raffle among many films and choosing one, sometimes we buy unhealthy foods, such as french fries and doritos, or in others we do something healthier like a mixture of fruits, salads, etc.
I love our tradition, I love that it is our sacred moment together, so we always try to respect it and finish our university work in the case of my sister and I, or the paperwork of my parents, in fact I rarely remember that we have postponed, due to force majeure problems.

I think that today people spend very little time with family, and having some tradition together or doing things that everyone enjoys is a great time to change that distance that exists, so I hope that each of you has a similar resource to share it. with someone in for example 20 years.

"The family provides some values ​​that remain for your whole life. A family united and full of love is a luxury difficult to achieve."
Daryl Hannah

See you later.

Friday 6 September 2019

My career 

"In twenty years you will regret more things you didn't do that what you did... 

Hello everybody and welcome to my blog. Today i want to talk about my career. Well, i'm studying Chemistry and Pharmacy (actually it's my second semester) and for the moment i don't regret, and i hope thinking same in five years.

When i was in the school, i loved maths and sciences, specifically physical, and i wanted to study something that contain it, but one day i read a forensic criminology trial and the role of the pharmaceutical was excited me, i really loved it (i remembered that i was two months talking to my family about those books). Those day i discover a new world for me, this was the reason of my  finally decision and i really hope to work in a forensic laboratory some day.  

Then, when i investigated the career i realised that it's one of the careers with the highest probability of employ-ability in the first year of graduated from the university. Chemistry and Pharmacy is a career with a highest field of work, in fact, you can go to offices, clinic, hospital, laboratory, forensic laboratory, personal company etc. I think that i also like this variety, because i'm one of those people who get bored much of the routine.

For other hand, if i finish my career, i would like to make a post-graduate course, maybe in this university or not, but i want continue to study, my parents always tell me that we never finished studying and i completely agree.

"In twenty years you will regret more things you didn't do that what you did. So let go of the mornings and leave the safe bridge. Catch the wind with your candles. To dream. Explore. Discover"
Mark Twain.

See you later.

Friday 30 August 2019

My dream

"Freedom consists in ..."

 Hello everybody and welcome to my blog...again, i know, i said that "The end of the way" was my last blog, but i'm back. Today i want to tell you what is my favourite country. 


  I always dream with travel to Greece (in fact i like it since i have memory), i love the culture, the architecture, the mythology of the Greeks and i would like to know more about your gastronomy. About Greece, i don't know all of its, i know that it's a country that is located in Europe, this country is part of the Balkans peninsula ( it's a geographic area in southeastern Europe and it's located north to the Mediterranean sea). Greece was the cradle of the philosophy and the knowledge, it was the home of (for example) Aristotle, Plato and Socrates, also in this country the concept of democracy began, so it make it very important in world history.

 If one day i go to Greece, i want to visit the Parthenon, because it was made in honor of the Greek goddess Athenea and i love the mythology, i would also like to visit museums and take many pictures. Nonetheless, i wouldn't study, work or live there, because i think that if i was everyday there i wouldn't know it appreciate.

"Freedom consists in owning one's own life"


See you later.


Friday 26 July 2019

The end of the way

Difficult roads often lead...

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog, my last blog. Today i want to talk about my blog experience. First, i want to thank all who read my blogs and all who comment my blogs, this meant that i wasn't write for walls jsjsjs.

When i start the English course or English III, i didn't know how it would be, or how writing blogs would be, i thought, i don't know, that it would be very hard and bored, but it was the opposite. I enjoyed this experience, despite some days that i didn't have inspiration, i think that it was wonderful. 

Writing blogs allowed me to interact with people in a way that didn't know, and allowed me to discover that i also enjoyed write, in fact, i'm very happy because i think that unconsciously each one gets better because writing becomes routine. We all arrived on Fridays asking us on what topic we're going to write that day.

I want to think that i developed much better my writing skills,so i would like to continue with a blog, writing maybe about books, series or my experiences about anything, maybe not today, but i don't want to lose this, in this blog, i would include much phrases and pictures. 

For the other people that are going to write blogs, i would want to tell you that try to be as honest as possible, since this experience helps to develop writing in another language, but also to get to know yourself better.

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.


Time to reflect "We have to think that those who hold opinions contrary to ours are not necessarily barbaric..." ...