Friday 24 May 2019


"In twenty years you will regret more things you didn't do than what you did..."

       Hello everybody and  welcome to my blog. Today I want to talk about my experiences in the election of my career. 
Perhaps, you think that the election is a terrible thing...but you don't know to what extent. After I did the PSU, i was terrified, i had much ideas in my head and i didn't what to do in this moment, so decided , in my opinion, the best do nothing in those months. Yeah, if you think, very people almost tell you that you must know perfectly what do you have to do, but it isn't true, the best you have to do is relaxing for a minute and realize that nothing is of life or death, nothing is the last word in your future, always is on the contrary.

Resultado de imagen para quimica forense quimico farmaceutico      Around finally on December when i know my score, I asked to me: "what're the things that make me happy?" and remembered when i was a child, and i wanted to do lawyer (but now i hate it), teacher (but now i don't have patience), astronomer (but now it does't exited me), editor (but i realized that prefer read the books and not make those). Then i made a list with the careers that i had to my options of applying to university. In this list, i wrote commercial engineering, physical engineering, physical, mathematical engineering and chemistry and pharmacy chemistry...ok i have to  clarify something, in the school, i loved maths  and ciencies, specifically physical, and i wanted to study something that contain it,but weeks before at Christmas i read a forensic criminology trial and the role of the pharmaceutical was exited me, i really loved it, those day descover one thing that i didn't know and i was completely captivate, so at the end, this was the reason of my finally decision and I hope to work in a forensic laboratory some day.

The month that we were in the university i have enjoyed it very much, i meet very friendly people, it is a good place to be, have many green areas and it quiet. And to finish an advice, you never know if your decision was correct, you have to do the correct.

"In twenty years you will regret more things you did not do than what you did.
So let go of the moorings and leave the safe bridge. Catch the wind with your candles.To dream.Explore. Discover"

Mark Twain

See you later


  1. I agree with what you say, It is a decision that everyone takes when he is ready!!

  2. I congratulate you for have thought patiently and carefully your career, I hope you enjoy studying that beautiful profession.

  3. I hope that you can do what you want, i imagine u like abby from NCIS.

  4. get ready for what awaits you. good luck


Time to reflect "We have to think that those who hold opinions contrary to ours are not necessarily barbaric..." ...