Friday 31 May 2019

My favourite piece of technology

"During the hour of reading...

     Hello everybody and welcom to my blog. Today i want to talk about my favourite piece of technology. At the beginning of 2016 i saw in the internet the solution of my's name is 
Kindle, and it's a device that is use to read (only read). 

     As you'll alredy know i like so much books, but sadly, books're one of the most expensive things in the world, and it's worst in Chile. Our country, actually, lead in Latin America as one of the countries that have higher prieces of books; so i haven't all of books that i wanted to have.

     But, at the end of 2016 i went to the cinema and shopping with my family, this day we passed outside PC. factory and i asked my mom if i could buy it ( i had been saving for a while). It's name is "Kindle paperwhite" and i can store up to one thousand books, also has a matte screen to make more confortable to read and it's very practical, because i can carry, for example, five books  without having the bag so heavy(it's fantastic). 

   In this years, i  have enjoyed it a lot, i usually use to everyday, often in the nights because the school and university absorb a lot of time. Now, i don't know how would my life whithout it, but i know one thing.... definitely it would be very poor because i would spend a lot of money and i would be a severe back pain...

"During the hour of reading, the soul of the reader is submitte to the soul of the writer" 

Edgar Allan Poe

See you later


  1. its a horror that books are so expensive, but this tipe to plataform help a lot of people that love reading

  2. the kindle is a wonderful device, I also use the kindle


Time to reflect "We have to think that those who hold opinions contrary to ours are not necessarily barbaric..." ...