Friday 4 October 2019


                                                                                               "Never consider study as an obligation,..."

    Hello everybody and welcome to my blog. It is Friday and i am very tired, so this post won't be one of my best work, i am sorry (having said that), today i want to tell you about postgraduate. Many people after finishing their career, decide to do a postgraduate, find work or both, well if you have read others of my blogs, you know that i want to do a postgraduate because i would like to continue studying and because i know that could help me in my future working life (as an extra preparation).

Well, i would like one day to do a postgraduate in toxicology and marketing (both would help me in what i want to do after finishing my career). I don't know where i want to do that (the country or the university), the future is uncertain. I would like (in this moment of my life) do the postgraduate in Chile, but who know, in six years more, when i finishing my career, i may have changed my mind and want to do in, i don't know, Europe or in the United States. Although if  the opportunity arises to do a course abroad (currently), i think i would accept it.

 You might laugh at me, but if i don't have certain where i want to do my postgraduate, also, i don't know what kind of course i want in the future, but i can say, today, that i prefer part-time course, because this would have leave me more time for me or to work at same time, and as i said in my previous post, i like to publish a book and that kind of courses help me for my plans..

"Never consider study as an obligation, but as an opportunity to penetrate the beautiful and wonderful world of knowledge."
Albert Einstein

See you later.


  1. I'm completely agree with you. You must to take a part-time course to finally publish your book. I can't wait to read it.

  2. U have a lot of time to think about it, so don't get stressed out.


Time to reflect "We have to think that those who hold opinions contrary to ours are not necessarily barbaric..." ...