Friday 26 July 2019

The end of the way

Difficult roads often lead...

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog, my last blog. Today i want to talk about my blog experience. First, i want to thank all who read my blogs and all who comment my blogs, this meant that i wasn't write for walls jsjsjs.

When i start the English course or English III, i didn't know how it would be, or how writing blogs would be, i thought, i don't know, that it would be very hard and bored, but it was the opposite. I enjoyed this experience, despite some days that i didn't have inspiration, i think that it was wonderful. 

Writing blogs allowed me to interact with people in a way that didn't know, and allowed me to discover that i also enjoyed write, in fact, i'm very happy because i think that unconsciously each one gets better because writing becomes routine. We all arrived on Fridays asking us on what topic we're going to write that day.

I want to think that i developed much better my writing skills,so i would like to continue with a blog, writing maybe about books, series or my experiences about anything, maybe not today, but i don't want to lose this, in this blog, i would include much phrases and pictures. 

For the other people that are going to write blogs, i would want to tell you that try to be as honest as possible, since this experience helps to develop writing in another language, but also to get to know yourself better.

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.


Friday 19 July 2019

          Mental disorder

 Hello everybody and welcome to my blog, today i want to talk about an interesting topic for me, well not for the person that suffers the disorder, of course, but scientifically interesting. I'm referring to the panic disorder. I chose this because, for a while, I had a high probability of panic attacks.

   Panic disorder or Fear attacks is a type of anxiety disorder in which you have repeated attacks of intense fear that something bad will happen. The cause is unknown, genes may play an important role, but other causes can be:  major stress, a temperament that is more sensitive to stress or prone to negative emotions or certain changes in the way parts of your brain function. Other family members may have the disorder, but panic disorder often occurs when there is no family history. This disorder’s twice as common in women as it is in men. Symptoms often begin before age 25 but may occur in the mid-30s. Children can also have panic disorder, but it is often not diagnosed until they are older. In general population studies, the annual prevalence ranges between 1 and 2%. The overall prevalence is between 1.5% and 3.5%. Therefore there is no place where it is more common because anyone can have it.
  A panic attack begins suddenly, and most often peaks within 10 to 20 minutes. Some symptoms continue for an hour or more. A panic attack may be mistaken for a heart attack. Ok, a person that suffers panic disorder can experience: chest pain or discomfort, dizziness or feeling faint, fear of losing control or impending doom, the feeling of choking, feelings of unreality, nausea or upset stomach, numbness or tingling in the hands, feet, or face, palpitations, fast heart rate, or pounding heart, the sensation of shortness of breath or smothering, sweating, chills, or hot flashes, rapid, pounding heart rate, trembling or shaking, shortness of breath or tightness in your throat, headache or feeling detachment. 

At this point, you ask what happens in our body? well in our body  the adrenal system will produce too much cortisol,which in turn,will cause the liver to generate more glucose, to distribute more oxygen to the body and to cope with anxiety, the spleen releases additional red and white blood cells and increases blood the flow between 300 and 400% during this process, the areas of the brain that affect long and short-term memory and the development of chemical substances that can lead to an imbalance are affected. In addition, it can constantly activate the nervous system, which in turn can affect other body systems, generating physical reactions, such as fatigue.
It isn't good to feel this way, so you have to be aware and ask for help when necessary.

See you later.

Friday 12 July 2019

My favourite subject 

                             In maths you don't understand things...

Hello everybody and welcome to my blog. Today i want to tell you about my favourite subject in the university (for the moment). Well, i remember that my favourite subject in the school always was maths and that hasn't changed (i have to apologise for me because i don't have inspiration, so i'm sorry if you get bored in this blog).

 Well, since i started the semesters i like "Introduction to calculus", i always like maths, i like the mechanics of doing exercises of numbers and i think it's wonderful as all sciences can be related to numbers at some point, it's what i like of this.

 In class i arrive early so i take advantage of sit me in the second row and how the classes're most theoretical, just i pay attention to the teacher, take notes and i help to my classmates if i can.In my section we are approximate one hundred people, but it doesn't matter because they aren't noisy. The auxiliaries are very friendly, they try to help you anything you need and make the "seminars" very fun. Calculus is interesting for me because, as already said, all relate of this, if we want calculation the trend of a sample, the effects in the people for a drug, etc. It's important teaching people maths or calculus because, for me, it's a base that serves absolutely for everything, but that doesn't mean it isn't tedious a few times... for example i don't want more functions :(  

In maths you don't understand things, you accustom them.
Johann Von Neumann

See you later.

Friday 5 July 2019

The great minds of history

- What about art?
- It is a disease
- An love?
- An illusion

    Hello everybody and welcome to my blog. Today i want to talk about a great topic. Do you remember when all of us were children who were impressed with everything? At that point, every boy and girl was a potential scientist. Sadly, only a few of these children become true scientist, but they all remain geniuses, whether they prove it or not jsjsjs.

     Ok, i can say many names, for example Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawking, etc. But the name that comes to mind when they ask me who i admire is Leonardo Da Vinci. He was an architect, sculptor, painter, inventor, musician, astronomer, engineer and Renaissance man par excellence. A humanist who was born on April 15, 1452 in Toscana (Italy). He's known for many things, for example, paintings such as "Mona Lisa" o "Gioconda", "The last supper" or "The Virgin and Child". Also he's known for his inventions, such as "Vitruvian man", "The air screw", "The Ornithopter" or "The catapult". In short, that man was a genius, I like Leonardo Da Vinci because he never limited himself to a single discipline it's impossible to limit him in one thing an i admire it. Leonardo revolutionised the science of his time, in fact i think he was responsible for creating the foundations of many inventions of the twentieth century.

- What about art?
- It is a disease
- An love?
- An illusion
- The religion?
- An elegant
substitute for
- You are a skeptic
- What are you?
- Never! skepticism
is the beginning of
- Defining is limited

Oscar Wilde

See you later.

Time to reflect "We have to think that those who hold opinions contrary to ours are not necessarily barbaric..." ...