Friday 28 June 2019


The horse is one of the animals that...

      Hello everybody and welcome to my blog. Today i want to talk about pets, or not pets in my case. Well, i have never had a pets, in all my life i don't remember had have a connection with an this blogs will be very short.

      When i was a child, i had a "tamagotchi", i don't know if it's considered how pet, but all of us will consider it as. It's name was very original..."tamagotchi", i don't remember if i had 10 or 11, but everyone died, yes, i was a terrible owner. Maybe this is one of the reason that i don't have pets. I think that i will forget give they food or give them attention.

     But, if i had a pet, i will choose a horse (yes,completely common), I don't know, but for me horses are beautiful, smart and very loyal, more than dogs. One day i will have a house in the field and i'm going to buy two horses, because only one is bad, they stress themselves, and i'm going to call them Thunder and Rain. One of my horses will be black and the other brown, they will be friends and i will love them very much.
       I'm sorry for that blog....but i don't more to say.

The horse is one of the animals that by its intelligence is closer to man.

See you later


  1. maybe one day you would have the horses that you want and you´ll love them very much

  2. I hope that you can come to true your dreams and have 2 horses in your life!!

  3. i want to have horses tooo. but more than 2. I´m ambitious.

  4. Horse are cool, about tamagotchis, i have one, and the last i care die for obesity xd

  5. i had tamagotchi too, but they died :'c

  6. Haha I had a tamagotchi too, now it's so old school 😂

  7. you could try having fish, they do not require much care and they sell a capsules so you give them food once every two weeks

  8. I also had a "tamagotchi" when I was a child


Time to reflect "We have to think that those who hold opinions contrary to ours are not necessarily barbaric..." ...